Maker’s Competition of Design Project
Automatic window blinds operator
2 minutes
Project overview: The MCD (Maker’s competition of Design) is a 4-person project for the Fundamentals of Engineering II class taken by all engineering majors in the Spring of their Freshman year. The entire process took about 2 months from start to finish. The project started with rough idea brainstorming and collecting data from other college students. Once we have a basic idea of what is needed and what is feasible, we needed to draw 10 different conceptual designs with key features for different projects and pick one of them based with a vote. Once a design is picked, we needed to 3D model the product, build a prototype, design the wiring and circuitry, and program the Arduino microcontroller to create a fully functioning prototype. Once the prototype was finished, we needed to create product posters and a design document, than showcase it to the class. Our group was split into two groups: programming and wiring, and 3D modeling and design. I was on the wiring and programming part of the team with one other person. We ended up programming an entire menu system that was controlled by a rotary encoder and a button. The menu system had tons of features such as audio feedback for button presses, a randomized daily bible verse, states for configuring and setting up specific blinds profiles, and a fully functional clock with a time set feature. The entire product was programmed on an Arduino Uno microcontroller and ended up being around 1200 lines of code.